The press release below sets out how we can all contribute to bringing about a cleaner, greener borough to coincide with COP26 in Glasgow. This was issued to the media today.
Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council
Hinckley Hub, Rugby Road, Hinckley, Leicestershire, LE10 0FR
How Borough Residents can support COP26
As the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) begins in Glasgow, Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council (HBBC) is urging everyone to consider the changes we can all make to bring about a cleaner, greener borough now and for future generations.
The COP26 summit will bring parties together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.
Locally in 2019, HBBC declared a climate emergency and is working to develop and implement an action plan to work towards its target of carbon neutrality by 2030.
Cllr Martin Cartwright, Executive Member for Climate Change said: "COP26 is a key conference which will see governments and countries work towards ensuring an environmentally friendly future.
“The council has already taken many steps to ensure it is a cleaner, greener council and this work is both comprehensive and ongoing. Importantly we will be actively seeking to build on this base and improve our contribution by establishing a range of climate change policies in our upcoming Local Plan that for instance will aim to ensure all new build properties where appropriate will have features such as electric car charging points and better connectivity via fibre cabling.
“We are constantly searching for ways to reduce our carbon emissions both in our council facilities and housing stock, even by taking small steps such as eliminating plastic cups across council buildings, everything has had an impact. However we are fully aware that there is lots more to do and we need to do this in partnership with residents if we want to achieve our carbon neutral ambitions.”
The council has already made significant steps, for example:
- Developed a climate strategy (2020 – 2021) soon to be replaced with 2021 and beyond – to view visit:
- Implemented a cross party working group with keen and knowledgeable members from all parties working with officers to reduce the council’s carbon emissions
- Installed 24 electric vehicle charging points in Hinckley town centre with additional planned for Market Bosworth, Barwell and Earl Shilton
- Part funded the very first rural electric car charging point at Sport In Desford
- Planted over 640 new trees on council owned land during 2021
- Scrapped the use of single use plastics
- Improved management of parks and open spaces to encourage biodiversity, reuse of all plant pots, peat free, reduced use of chemicals etc. Examples include wildflower planting, the natural burial ground at Ashby road cemetery, and the creation of Brodick road community woodland
- Used more virtual technology to minimise unnecessary journeys for staff and members
- Is working with primary and secondary schools across the borough to assist them to become more eco-friendly. Resources are available on our website to download. If your school would like to get involved contact please email:
- Utilising our Youth Voice Forum to engage with our young people whose future will be increasingly dominated by climate change.
- Working with parish councils and climate change groups across the borough, in some instances funding via our Community Initiative Funds a range of eco-friendly projects
- Setting up and implementing a Community Champion scheme to assist in sharing good practice
- A baseline report for 2019 - 2020 is about to be published so the council can monitor and evidence-base its improvements
Other plans for the future include researching changing our fleet to all electric and reduction of emissions from all council buildings.
How can residents and businesses help?
Energy Saving Tips
- Did you know that transport is said to account for 26% of all greenhouse gases emitted in the UK? If you can leave your car keys at home in 2021 try and rely on walking, or cycling, if taking shorter journeys.
- Turn your car engine off when stationary
- If you are looking to purchase a new car, consider getting an electric or hybrid to help protect the environment
- Reduce flying
- Use the litter bins when out and about in the borough instead of littering
- Fully recycle at home, don’t put all waste in the black bin!
Home and Garden:
- An easy way to help protect the environment is to plan and prepare in advance a weekly menu which will minimise food waste
- A typical bath holds around 164 litres of water, meanwhile a ten-minute shower uses as much water as a 113 litre bath
- Save carbon emissions and plant your own fruit and vegetables - even a small window box can be productive and very rewarding
- Working from home, if feasible, one day a week would reduce your travel and if we all do it, CO2 emissions will decrease
- Fruit or veg is best eaten fresh and when in season. Learn what grows best, and when, here in the UK
- More than half the carbon emissions that food creates, come from meat so switching away from beef and lamb can make a big difference
- Prevent waste by eating your food within dates
- Ensure all your light bulbs are energy efficient and switch them off when not needed
- Switch your central heating thermostat down a couple of degrees
- Never leave computers, TVs or other devices on standby. The Energy Savings Trust advise you can save up to £80 a year if you turn things off
- When using the washing machine, reducing the temperature from 40⁰C to 30⁰C could cut energy consumption by 46%, and give clothes an extra spin before putting them in the dryer
For more greener ideas and quick wins visit:
Why not catch up on some easy viewing and watch BBC One Shop Well for the Planet? For some great ideas for the home and family.
To find out more about the council’s Climate Change strategy or how to get involved in making the borough greener visit:
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